我们会在收到您的货款的当天或隔天﹐把您的商品寄出。 运送时间不包含六、日及国订假日。我们将采用POSLAJU或POSTAL PARCEL服务寄送您的商品。POSLAJU预计商品寄出后3天內可收到,以 POSTAL PARCEL(Air-Parcel) 运送个商品则3至5工作天内收到。 您可以选择采用其中一个邮寄服务。邮费计算如下:
POSALJU邮费计算 (2kg以下)
- 东马 (亚庇地区)
首 500g RM4.50 (每250g 另加 RM1.00)
- 东马 (沙巴以内)
首 500g RM6.00 (每250g 另加 RM1.20)
- 东马砂拉越
首 500g RM8.00 (每250g 另加 RM1.80)
- 西马
首 500g RM9.00 (每250g 另加 RM2.50)
备注:至于 2kg以上的包裹,我们将另外计算及电邮告知所需邮费。
POSTAL PARCEL邮费计算 (至30kg)
- 全马运送 首2公斤RM8.50 (2kg以上物品,每500g 另加 RM1.50)
备注: 邮包的最大测量长度为1.05米和不超过相结合的长度和周长2.00米。
对于免邮物品,KiddyWonder有权选用任何运送方式。 对于过大物品如婴儿汽车座椅、游戏垫等会以体积方式来计算*。
*体积计算法: 长度 (cm) x 宽度 (cm) x 高度 (cm) / 6000
We will only ship out your order in the same day or next day after your payment received and confirmed. Orders that are placed and payment paid on weekends or public holidays will be then processed on the following working day. We are using POSLAJU or POSTAL PARCEL (Air-Parcel) for delivery options. The standard delivery time for POSJALU is within 3 working days; and estimated delivery time for POSTAL PARCEL is 3 to 5 working days. You can select which delivery service to suit you well. The delivery charges are as followings:
POSALJU charges
- East Malaysia (within Kota Kinabalu)
RM4.50 for first 500g (add RM1.00 every 250g)
- East Malaysia (within Sabah)
RM6.00 for first 500g (add RM1.20 every 250g)
- East Malaysia (Sarawak)
RM8.00 for first 500g (add RM1.80 every 250g)
- West Malaysia
RM9.00 for first 500g (add RM2.50 every 250g)For parcel above 2kg, please contact us for more information.
- Within Malaysia
RM8.50 for first 2kg
(add RM1.50 air surcharge every 500g for parcel above 2kg)
Remarks: The maximum measurement for Postal Parcel is 1.05 meters in length and not exceeding 2.00 meters in combined lengths and circumference.
The minimum measurement is as same as the letter services.
The minimum measurement is as same as the letter services.
For free postage items, KiddyWonder reserves the rights for which courier service to be used.
For oversized items are items such as Car Seat, Playmat and etc are subjected to charges due it's size and normally the weights are calculated using the Volumetric*.
*Volumetric Calculations: Length (cm) x Width (cm) x Height (cm) / 6000